This years Uniform package will be emailed to you from 431Sports.
The following will give you the directions on how to place your order.

Upon receiving your INDIVIDUAL uniform link, the tab “Uniform Kit” will have required pieces (unless you are opting out of spandex shorts, then disregard those.) The tab “Recommended” will offer the spandex pants if you have chosen this route. It will also offer Nike Crew socks and other items you may want to purchase through our store for your daughter. Finally, the tab “Fan Wear” will have Nike products with Pitt United/United printed or embroidered on them. These pieces are like spirit wear for players and family members interested in Nike products! Should you be ordering Fan Wear and it exceeds $50, you may use the Coupon code “PLAYBOOK” for $10 off your $50 purchase. Please note, this coupon code is only eligible for Fan Wear and will not work for your Uniform Kit. We will also hold our annual – 1x a year Spiritwear Sale we have done in the past again likely in December! These products are not Nike and cost less. Due to our contract with Nike, players must wear ALL Nike. (I almost made the Crew Socks a requirement, but will let you find your own if you think you can find a better price.)
Members should purchase the following:
- 1 Red Uniform Top
- 2 pair of spandex shorts/pants (their preference)
- Nike Court Shoes
- Nike White Kneepads
- Bookbag
- Epic Jacket
- Epic Pant
The total for the above package (with 2 spandex shorts) is $371.
Spiritwear – Our 1x a year Annual Spiritwear sale Info Coming SOON!
Fan Gear Store

- The link above will route you to the Pitt United Fan Gear Store with Nike – Pitt United products.